Friday Dan Barretts (part four)

The final ascent

Dan Barrett
4 min readDec 4, 2020
Me, a Dan Barrett

If you haven’t read parts one, two, and three then you probably should.

My name is Dan Barrett. In the past two years I’ve given a nice shout out to 104 Dan Barretts on the internet, one a week, on Fridays.

For the next phase of this important work I am going to revisit the Dan Barretts each week in order. I can do this for the next two years.

To mark the end of phase one of Friday Dan Barretts, I’m going to go through the list of 104 and reminisce a bit. 104 is a lot of Dan Barretts so I’ve split the Dans into four groups of 26.

This is Dan Barretts 79 to 104. The home stretch. Let’s go.

Dan Barrett #79 is fictional and I think her story and its genre jokes are well realised.

I love Dan Barrett #80’s smiling profile picture on LinkedIn. It made my day so much that I made the only exception in the whole list to the surname rule.

The choice of Dan Barrett #81 was influenced by the Black Lives Matter movement.

Covid-19 lockdown in the UK was easing and shops were reopening so I thought this was a topical shout out to Dan Barrett #82.

LinkedIn is strange and there are a lot of Dan Barretts on there who I suspect aren’t real Dan Barretts. Having passed by the thumbnail of Dan Barrett #83 several times thinking it was a fake profile with a picture of Steven Seagal, I finally had a closer look and discovered that he was a legitimate tech entrepreneur. I used to use eMusic myself. Small world.

Nice Prefab Sprout reference for Dan Barrett #84.

Dan Barrett #85 is clearly a very clever person.

I guess I was thinking about the number of takeaways people must be ordering due to Covid-19 when I shouted out to Dan Barrett #86.

Dan Barrett #87 does indeed have a nice smile. Dan Barretts are well represented in the tech industry, with Dans at Amazon, Google, Apple and more.

Dan Barrett #88 does important work that helps people. Great stuff Danielle.

Dan Barrett #89 also does important work, and notice how knowledgeable I am about US cities in my shout out to Danielle.

Dan Barrett #90 seems like a nice lad.

I forgot the LinkedIn link for Dan Barrett #91. That only happened once. Notice how in my shout out to Danielle I go one further than Dan Barrett #15 in my reference to Chicago by including deep dish pizza. I’m nothing if not cosmopolitan.

Dan Barrett #92 is a veteran of the web.

At first I thought Dan Barrett #93 was a cinematographer but boy was I ever wrong.

I really crowbarred the Glen Campbell reference into my shout out to Dan Barrett #94. Hutchinson in Kansas is 41 miles away from Wichita. Nobody says the Beatles were from Manchester do they?

Dan Barrett #95 is another Dan employed in the tech industry.

Dan Barrett #96 is another Dan employed in the tech industry. And yes, this Dan and previous Dan were a deliberate throwback to the time when Siemens and Ericsson were bossing the mobile telephone game. So many layers to this work, I can’t even. I expect you can’t either.

Dan Barrett #97 works in the space industry which is very cool.

In my opinion the Iron Maiden / user experience pun here is the best one of all the Dan Barretts. Even better than the Neil Diamond puns for Dan Barrett #60. Dan Barrett #98 didn’t acknowledge my work but hey there’s always next time.

Dan Barrett #99 could be anything from a beer-industry-specific assassin to the guy who has to clean out the vats. What is the truth?

Dan Barrett #100 has a great job and looks like a nice lad.

Dan Barrett #101 really does have a great smile. It’s always the American Dans with the great smiles. Dans from the UK are always hiding their teeth in shame.

Speaking of teeth, Dan Barrett #102 is a dentist. Oh snap. I found Danielle’s career story inspiring.

Lots going on with Dan Barrett #103, despite the fact that his LinkedIn profile is pretty thin. First off, there’s my emoji shout out to the fact that it rains a lot in the Pacific Northwest. Second, he is a third generation Dan Barrett. His father was Dan Barrett Jr. and his grandfather was the original Dan Barrett of the family. I’m never sure if this represents a commitment to a name¹ or a lack of imagination, but it doesn’t matter because it’s efficient at the very least. Third, this lad looks a little bit like me when I was younger.

I was pretty happy with the fictional Dan Barrett #104. A nice way to draw a line.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it if you’ve made it this far. I enjoyed writing it. There are a handful of these shout outs to Dan Barretts on the internet that had just that little bit of everyday magic in them, which is exactly what I wanted.

I wonder what the next phase will bring?


¹ Dan Barrett is a pretty good name I reckon.



Dan Barrett
Dan Barrett

Written by Dan Barrett

Head of Data Science at Citizens Advice. These are my personal thoughts on work.

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