Friday Dan Barretts (part four)
The final ascent
If you haven’t read parts one, two, and three then you probably should.
My name is Dan Barrett. In the past two years I’ve given a nice shout out to 104 Dan Barretts on the internet, one a week, on Fridays.
For the next phase of this important work I am going to revisit the Dan Barretts each week in order. I can do this for the next two years.
To mark the end of phase one of Friday Dan Barretts, I’m going to go through the list of 104 and reminisce a bit. 104 is a lot of Dan Barretts so I’ve split the Dans into four groups of 26.
This is Dan Barretts 79 to 104. The home stretch. Let’s go.
Dan Barrett #79 is fictional and I think her story and its genre jokes are well realised.
I love Dan Barrett #80’s smiling profile picture on LinkedIn. It made my day so much that I made the only exception in the whole list to the surname rule.
The choice of Dan Barrett #81 was influenced by the Black Lives Matter movement.
Covid-19 lockdown in the UK was easing and shops were reopening so I thought this was a topical shout out to Dan Barrett #82.
LinkedIn is strange and there are a lot of Dan Barretts on there who I suspect aren’t real Dan Barretts. Having passed by the thumbnail of Dan Barrett #83 several times thinking it was a fake profile with a picture of Steven Seagal, I finally had a closer look and discovered that he was a legitimate tech entrepreneur. I used to use eMusic myself. Small world.
Nice Prefab Sprout reference for Dan Barrett #84.
Dan Barrett #85 is clearly a very clever person.
I guess I was thinking about the number of takeaways people must be ordering due to Covid-19 when I shouted out to Dan Barrett #86.
Dan Barrett #87 does indeed have a nice smile. Dan Barretts are well represented in the tech industry, with Dans at Amazon, Google, Apple and more.
Dan Barrett #88 does important work that helps people. Great stuff Danielle.
Dan Barrett #89 also does important work, and notice how knowledgeable I am about US cities in my shout out to Danielle.
Dan Barrett #90 seems like a nice lad.
I forgot the LinkedIn link for Dan Barrett #91. That only happened once. Notice how in my shout out to Danielle I go one further than Dan Barrett #15 in my reference to Chicago by including deep dish pizza. I’m nothing if not cosmopolitan.
Dan Barrett #92 is a veteran of the web.
At first I thought Dan Barrett #93 was a cinematographer but boy was I ever wrong.
I really crowbarred the Glen Campbell reference into my shout out to Dan Barrett #94. Hutchinson in Kansas is 41 miles away from Wichita. Nobody says the Beatles were from Manchester do they?
Dan Barrett #95 is another Dan employed in the tech industry.
Dan Barrett #96 is another Dan employed in the tech industry. And yes, this Dan and previous Dan were a deliberate throwback to the time when Siemens and Ericsson were bossing the mobile telephone game. So many layers to this work, I can’t even. I expect you can’t either.
Dan Barrett #97 works in the space industry which is very cool.
In my opinion the Iron Maiden / user experience pun here is the best one of all the Dan Barretts. Even better than the Neil Diamond puns for Dan Barrett #60. Dan Barrett #98 didn’t acknowledge my work but hey there’s always next time.
Dan Barrett #99 could be anything from a beer-industry-specific assassin to the guy who has to clean out the vats. What is the truth?
Dan Barrett #100 has a great job and looks like a nice lad.
Dan Barrett #101 really does have a great smile. It’s always the American Dans with the great smiles. Dans from the UK are always hiding their teeth in shame.
Speaking of teeth, Dan Barrett #102 is a dentist. Oh snap. I found Danielle’s career story inspiring.
Lots going on with Dan Barrett #103, despite the fact that his LinkedIn profile is pretty thin. First off, there’s my emoji shout out to the fact that it rains a lot in the Pacific Northwest. Second, he is a third generation Dan Barrett. His father was Dan Barrett Jr. and his grandfather was the original Dan Barrett of the family. I’m never sure if this represents a commitment to a name¹ or a lack of imagination, but it doesn’t matter because it’s efficient at the very least. Third, this lad looks a little bit like me when I was younger.
I was pretty happy with the fictional Dan Barrett #104. A nice way to draw a line.
Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it if you’ve made it this far. I enjoyed writing it. There are a handful of these shout outs to Dan Barretts on the internet that had just that little bit of everyday magic in them, which is exactly what I wanted.
I wonder what the next phase will bring?
- Skip to part one
- Skip to part two
- Skip to part three
¹ Dan Barrett is a pretty good name I reckon.